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Back in 2020 and 2021, like many other parents out there, my priorities drastically shifted.
My family was already heavily considering homeschooling, but the pandemic gave us that gentle little push we needed to commit and not look back. With that, I became an “official” homeschool mom, and my first daughter started kindergarten.
This sweet little blog has swayed in the lurch of that decision for nearly three years now as my time and focus landed elsewhere.
I love all things parenting and am sure I could write hundreds of new articles. (We even added a sweet baby boy to our family during my hiatus!) However, after nearly three years of not publishing a new article, we’ve decided that it’s officially time to close this chapter of the story.
For a simple, part-part-time gig, this little blog had a pretty big impact –
- Nearly 20,000 monthly visitors at its peak
- 5,000 email subscribers
- 3,500 social media followers
- 150,000+ social shares
- Printables featured at events in 20+ states (thanks to all who shared where and how you used them!)
…and I’m so grateful for the outlet it was, for the kind comments received, and for the fun we had!
As a new mother searching for something to bridge what felt like a chasm between the goal-oriented, career-minded woman I was and the stay-at-home mom I surprisingly became back in 2016, this blog was the answer to a lot of my questions. It gave me a “purpose” outside of motherhood, a little bit of community, and helped me work through a lot of my own struggles through writing.
My first baby – who prompted all of this – will turn 8 in 2024. (That’s crazy, I know!) She’s a great big sis to her little sister and brother. Everyone was right: the days are long…but those years really have been short. And time just keeps moving faster!
It may be time to say goodbye to Southern Momdays as a blog, but I’ll never say goodbye to the sweet memories or to all I learned along the way.
I hope you won’t, either.
Thanks so much for being part of the journey!
Cheers once more to happy, healthy Momdays in the future, friends.