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simplifying faith, family, & finance for moms

Affiliate Disclosure

2017-05-21; updated 2021-03-17

Please Note: Continued use of the Southern Momdays website constitutes acknowledgment by the User of the following Affiliate Disclosure, whether or not this Disclosure has been read in whole or in part by the User.

McKee Made, LLC., doing business as (DBA) Southern Momdays, welcomes you to our Affiliate Disclosure page!

Rev. 03/2021

By using the Southern Momdays website, you agree to and acknowledge the following:

By using this site, all users also agree to the details found within our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Disclosure for Third-Party Advertisements and Affiliate or Referral Links:

We are a participant in the Google Adsense program, a third-party advertisement-serving platform designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by showcasing advertisements on our site. View Google’s Privacy Policy to learn how it uses data when you use partners’ sites or apps. Please view our Privacy Policy for details.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

We are a participant in the HCI Cleaning Products, LLC. Affiliate Program, an affiliate program that allows us to earn compensation from reviews and endorsements that refer visitors to, and result in purchases of, Force of Nature Clean® products.

We are a participant in the Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. dba Rakuten Rewards Influencer Program, a referral program that allows us to earn compensation when visitors located in the 50 United States, D.C., or Canada sign up for a new Rakuten account via our custom referral link, consent to and comply with the Rakuten General Terms and Conditions, and make (as well as pay for) a qualifying amount in purchases (subject to terms of promotion at the time that the referral link is clicked) that earn Cash Back through within ninety (90) days from sign-up. View Rakuten’s Privacy Policy to learn how it uses its visitors’ data.

Viewing or clicking on an ad, or making a purchase after clicking on an affiliate/referral link, gives us a small commission. This does not increase the final price on products you choose to buy, nor does it charge you in any way.

Styled Affiliate / Referral / Image Links

Because we love transparency and know you do too, here’s a run-down of what to expect with regard to these links and ads on the Southern Momdays site, including how to spot such features as well as when we get paid for your interaction with them.

In an effort to make these instances easily-identifiable, we’ve added the following styles:

  • Affiliate product links (links to product-purchase pages that include our unique affiliate identifier) are bolded within the post. As a general rule, we only include affiliate product links to items we have direct experience using or that we know are closely related to items we have used in the past. We earn a commission for referring you only if you make a purchase after clicking through during the active cookie window period, which is usually anywhere between 24 hours to 30 days after clicking an affiliate product link.

  • Affiliate image ads (simple product images without a call to action but including a link to the featured product) are standalone on their own line in the post and relate directly to the post content. We earn a commission for referring you only if you make a purchase after clicking through during the active cookie window period, which is usually anywhere between 24 hours to 30 days after clicking an affiliate image ad.

  • Affiliate native shopping ads (product grids showcasing relevant product suggestions, featured products with calls to action, featured items with shopping information) appear throughout some posts and at the bottom of them to provide relevant items you might be interested in viewing based on the content of the post you’re visiting. We earn a commission for referring you only if you make a purchase after clicking through during the active cookie window period, which is usually anywhere between 24 hours to 30 days after clicking an affiliate native shopping ad.

  • Display ads (may be a vignette ad (full-page overlay ad) on mobile, and also may be an all-text ad, an image with a call-to-action button, or an image banner in some size on either mobile or desktop) have ample “white space” above and below them to separate them from the other content within a post. They are obviously “ads,” meaning you’ll know they are ads by their standard look and feel. They are most often bordered and sport an “Ad” notice within the text. In addition, we’ve adjusted our preferences to include a light-green background when the ad is all text or an image with standard text and a call-to-action button (i.e. Shop Now) so this is easier to spot. All ad types, including the banner styles, include a box in the upper right-hand corner from Ad Choices which allows you to personalize your ad-viewing experience. We earn a commission for impressions (any time these ads load on your page where you can view them) as well as any time you click through on these ads.

  • Referral program links (links to sign up for products or services we currently use that include our unique identifier) are bolded within the post. The terms of each referral program are unique, but we generally will receive commission or credit to our personal account with the product or service when you sign up for a trial or membership or make a purchase via the link.

Disclosure about Money by Mom

McKee Made, LLC. also owns and operated an online budgeting course/resource/website for moms called Money by Mom. This was advertised by and linked to via the Southern Momdays website and social media outlets. You may have seen advertisements to Money by Mom via bolded and highlighted links within blog posts, in header navigation, in sidebar advertisements, and in image ads within content throughout the Southern Momdays site. While the course/resource/website is not currently live, McKee Made, LLC. received compensation when you visited Money by Mom and made a purchase.